When did you first feel like a writer?
I first felt like a writer when I realised I wanted to capture all of life in small vignettes. That first came as bad photography, but what you can fit in a frame is limited; words are uniquely interpretable and unlimited.
What’s the most interesting thing that has inspired your writing and what was the result?
Animals inspire me more than anything. They all have unique ways of living in our minds, some more ‘dangerous’ than others, some docile. But aren’t all wild animals equally wild? Unpredictable? Just as complex as we see ourselves? I try to find similarities between humans & animals all the time, probably as a means to find the wild, unpredictable & complex within our own species.
Paint us a picture: what does your writing process look like? Do you write in coffee shops at night or only on an old type-writer?
I write a lot on my phone. It’s a convenience thing. I wish I could say I had a more romanticised approach but I’m still ultimately a kid with my phone glued to my hand, no matter how hard I want to break away from that.
Describe your ideal reader: who would your work speak to?
My ideal readers are hurt people, queer people, curious people & those who suffer in silence. People who feel messed up. It’s my chance to reassure them that we are all animalistic and feel wildly crazy at times.
Who’s an author you’ve changed your mind about and why?
Sally Rooney. I initially assumed she wrote straight-forward romance novels (which, absolutely nothing wrong with, I enjoy them by the pool too) but there are deeply profound ideas woven into the fabric of her stories. Her writing isn’t too flowery & is actually often mundane, but all in favour of making you focus on how deeply natural & human even the most unique relationships can be.
If you could interview any other writer/artist, who would it be and why?
I would interview Virginia Woolf if she were still around. She’s my favourite author of all time. She told the stories of people with little lives through a lens of melancholy and existentialism. And she has so many life-affirming one-liners. She was a master at her craft.
What motivates you to keep writing?
For as long as I’ll have questions about anything, I’ll keep writing. That’s most writers’ job, to ask questions about the world and maybe let them fizzle out unanswered, & repeat. It gets us closer to something bigger, it feels, if only for a moment.
How do you deal with writer’s block or being overwhelmed by the writing process?
If I have writer’s block or I’m overwhelmed, I simply don’t write. I can’t conjure something that isn’t there. It’s like trying to make a cake without having the ingredients.
Where would you like to see yourself in a decade? A creative writing teacher? As a best-seller?
In 10 years, I’d love to have physically published writing, poetry or novels.
What has your work taught you about yourself?
My work has taught me that I’m resilient, confused, in love with life & many times tired of it. That I’m constantly moving through a series of events that sometimes almost throw me off track, and only writing about them will realign me. It’s free therapy I’m grateful for.