Captivating Musical Comedy: Tony Blair, Politics, and Rock ‘n’ Roll Delight in Liverpool! Playhouse, 10.10.23


This was side-splittingly hilarious!  A real feel good, high quality comedy night out.  

Harry Hill and Steve Brown have created a musical political satire and teamed it up with an entertaining narrative about the former Labour leader all set to rock music.  

The dramatic explosion, dancing and the musical overture at the start of the play had the audience captivated from the outset following its sold-out run at the Park Theatre, London and Manchester’s Lowry before it headed to Liverpool  

Was this factual…no! 

Did this touch on Blair’s desire to lead us into war … most definitely! 

Was this a camp, enthusiastic and clever piece of writing which unashamedly stretched its creative licence making it questionably enjoyable to watch… wholeheartedly, yes!

We were introduced to young, naive Tony Blair (Jack Whittle) who gave a sterling performance. He delivered Blair as an over enthusiastic, weak man lacking any substance who was easily swayed by others opinions who desperately wanted to be a rock star, emulating his idol, Mick Jagger who Blair refers to as Jaggers.  Blair was further portrayed as someone who, despite his academic credentials had zero say of the direction of his life and career; entering politics when his musical career ended and his wife Cherie (Torie Burgess) ‘talked’ or rather, ‘tricked’ him into it.  What juxtaposition with real life as Tony Blair in actual fact, was the frontman of a band called Ugly Rumours. 

It does beg the question that had Tony Blair had ‘made it’  in the music would he ever have dipped his toe into politics? Who knows?

The narrative went on further to tell of how one man went from being a peace-loving, long-haired hippy and would-be pop star to an attention-loving, warmongering multimillionaire in just a couple of decades. Throw in a stellar cast of larger-than-life characters – Cherie Blair, Princess Diana, John Prescott, Peter Mandelson, Alastair Campbell, Osama bin Laden, George W Bush, Saddam Hussein and Gordon Brown – it’s Yes, Minister meets The Rocky Horror Show! This was a musical like no other.

Throughout the play Blair’s slogan ‘Look anyone will tell you, I’m a pretty straight sort of guy’ was continuously delivered by the cast until the audience – with the cast’s encouragement,  shouted it out during the last line of the show demonstrating their engagement and love of this play.

The musical score was catchy.

The acting, superb and the writing and production – absolutely… magnificent!

If you want to catch this  hilarious musical comedy of political intrigue, religion, power, and romance; then please hurry as it finishes tomorrow night in Liverpool.

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