As the Editor-in-Chief of The Broken Spine, I embark on a journey with each anthology we publish, each poem is a stepping stone into a wilderness of emotion. Crafting The Whiskey Tree: Untamed Love, the second volume in The Whiskey Tree’s first wave, was no exception—a labour of love fuelled by my unwavering belief in the power of authentic writing.
From the outset, I recognised the delicate balance required in navigating themes as intricate as love, sex, and relationships. But why shy away from the complexities that define our lived experiences? Instead, I embraced the challenge head-on, drawing from my background in English literature and gender theory to guide the selection process with a keen eye for authenticity.
It’s true, several pieces in this anthoogy illustratess the darker side of love, reminding us that it’s not always a romantic ideal but can be fraught with struggles and challenges. In my own poem, Love Poem, I write, ‘When you lay your heart in my hands I push / my fingers into it’ showing that sometimes we can’t help but destroy what we create and treasure. Mary Earnshaw tackles an abusive relationship in Lost and Found, writing, ‘No, I said. No. We’ll do it how you want.’ These are stories that must be told, and this platform allows them to sit alongside the other drawings of love like the intimacy and vulnerability evident in Karen Pierce Gonzalez’s Feathered Serpent: Quetzalcoatl, ‘Heated by the rub of our bodies, you shed skin on my pillow’, together showcasing the depth and diversity of human connections documented by these writers.
Further, inclusivity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the heartbeat of our press. I’m proud to have published writers of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, and ethnicities from all corners of the world. In this wave of writers we are again able to show that we are an inclusive press. And each poem in this collection is evidence of this commitment. But representation alone isn’t enough. It’s about amplifying voices that challenge the status quo, that push boundaries and redefine what it means to love and be loved. Unboundaried by Anne Walsh Donnelly urges us to break free from societal constraints and embrace love in its purest form, resonating with readers from all walks of life, ‘Love whispers / untether me / let me pound the earth like Bison’.
Yet, in the pursuit of authenticity, I remain vigilant against sensationalism. Love’s untamed nature may tempt us to delve into extremes, but my commitment to ethical representation stands firm.
As Untamed Love takes shape, it has become a testament to the strength of storytelling and the transformative power of literature. Each poem, is capable of guiding its reader through the hot mess of human emotiona with honesty and grace.